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Aby Warburg and the Spirit of Capitalism
Aby Warburg and the Spirit of Capitalism
Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: Aby Warburg and the Future of the Humanities
Let's Talk about Aby Warburg!
Sigrid Weigel: The European Intellectual Heritage of Aby Warburg
Renaissance Lives | Tangled Paths: A Life of Aby Warburg
Ulrich Raulff: ‘Nachleben’. A Warburgian Concept and its Origins
Uwe Fleckner: Aby Warburg’s ‘Manet and Italian Antiquity’ as Psycho-Intellectual Self-Portrait
Warburg, Benjamin, and the Paradigm of Cultural Art History
Aby Warburg Metamorphosis & Memory Promo
Gods & Myths in the Warburg Institute
Warburg, Benjamin, and the Paradigm of Cultural (Art) History